There’s one 4 word question you must absolutely NEVER ask a man if you want him to be your boyfriend or your husband or anything beyond just a “hook up” who you spend a night with and never hear from again . . .
Do you know what the question is?
As a woman, it’ll probably sound completely innocent to you . . .
But, as a guy, I can tell you that when we hear this question it takes all of the wind out of our romantic sails no matter how we feel about a woman before she asks it.
And if you’ve ever had a guy pull away from you when you wanted nothing more in the world than to have him pull you closer . . .
It’s probably because you asked this question without even knowing it . . .
(In fact, you probably thought asking this question was a GOOD thing even though you couldn’t be more wrong.)
Again, do you know what the question is?
Let me give you a hint . . .
The question is “______ you _____ me??”
Can you fill in the blanks?
I’ve asked a LOT of women if they know what this question is . . .
And only 3 women out of every 100 get it right . . .
So, do you know what the question is?
If you’re absolutely sure you’re right, then we have nothing else to say to each other . . .
But if you don’t know the answer . . . or if you just want to “confirm” that you do . . .
I want you to stop whatever you’re doing and go watch the special video I’ve put together for you right now . . .
See, my name is Michael Fiore . . .
I’m an internationally-known relationship expert, an Amazon and Wall Street Journal Best-Selling author and have even appeared as a guest on the Rachael Rae show among many others . . .
And in the special video you’ll watch when you Click This Link I’ll show you what this “toxic” 4 word question is . . .
Teach you the shocking and strange truth about masculine psychology and why men pull away . . .
And introduce you to a simple 3-word phrase that forces a man to automatically open his heart, let down his shields and commit to protecting you, providing for you and even worshipping you while thinking it’s 100% his idea . . .
And all you have to do is click the link and go watch the video right now . . .
Before the curiosity drives you mad . . .
Before you find yourself in bed tonight wondering what you missed . . .
Because I can only help you if you decide to help yourself by clicking the link below and watching this special video right now.